It's Spring!…Happy New Year!

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Can you feel it? That surge of energy breathing new life into your goals and aspirations?

  • It’s time to stop hibernating and start creating.

  • It’s time to burst forth with vigor and set some goals.

  • It’s time to stop lurking and start working!

If you know me, you know I reject January as the start of my new year and I also reject New Year’s resolutions because they are misguided and a major set up for failure.


This goes way back and I blame the Romans. They tacked two extra months onto the beginning of our year. And although that may sell a shit-ton of gym memberships it messes with our natural rhythms and forces some good people into some bad resolution making. Winter is NOT when you should be starting new things…that’s what Spring is for.

So Happy New Year! Happy Spring!


Wait, what? Did I just say Happy New Year?


Yes, I did.

Welcome to the Vernal Equinox. A time when nature, your body and your mind are actually poised for new adventure (well, as long as you are in the Northern Hemisphere).


Spring is THE time to go from planning to execution.


So today, my friend, is the day you get to pick a goal with the confidence that nature’s got your back. 


Now, Spring isn’t going to do all of the work for you. Spring is just a nudge in the right direction. Motivation isn’t enough…you need intention.


What’s the difference?


A study in the British Journal of Health Psychology found that 91% people who planned their intention to exercise by writing down when and where they would exercise each week ended up following through. Meanwhile, people who read motivational material about exercise, but did not plan when and where they would exercise, showed no increase compared to the control group.

– borrowed from


So instead of saying “I’m going to start doing Facebook Lives” you should write down “I am going to GO LIVE every Monday at noon”. By the way…I go live, every Monday at noon in case you want to pop over there and hang out with me:


Here’s what I’m committing to:

  • I’m going to go to yoga on Tuesdays (6:30 p.m.) and Thursdays (10:30 a.m.) each week 

  • I’m going to keep working on my online event (more about that soon) from 5 a.m. – 7 a.m. every morning before my house wakes up  

  • I’m going to do a sugar cleanse from March 24th- April 6th

  • I’m going to learn German (just kidding, I have no use for German) -also, it won’t happen because I didn’t set a specific intention. See how that works?


So what does your Spring adventure look like?

Maybe you’re actually going to tackle online video. You’re going to put yourself out there with the intention to GO LIVE this week.



…or if you’re already live streaming, commit to a consistent schedule.

I’m here if you need help, just download the NO VIDEO VOMIT guide and get going!
